Decor Project - Guest Bathroom
Well progress has not been as fast as we hoped. We have managed to finish painting all the rooms downstairs, however upstairs has come to a sudden halt after our painter letting us down 3 times. We have now decided to search for another painter so alas this project is on hold!
The 1st Decor project that we completed was the guest bathroom upstairs. We kept it simple by just adding some colour with 2 paintings and a red springbok skin on the floor.
Before and after pictures attached.

On another note - Our transfer has come through finally - so it's time to stop hibernating and join us for a house-warming party on the 2nd September 2006. We're also celebrating Mike's birthday, so we look forward to a good party and a catch up with all our friends. I'll post the censor'ed version of the pictures on the blog after the party.
Hope to report on some more progress soon, until then...