Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February & March 2009

Well, it's almost time for Elsa & Charel's wedding on the 28th Feb... only a few more days now. I'm sure it will be a perfect day and a very special wedding!

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and the start of Lent so I'll only be posting again after Easter. I'll then have lots of news and pictures to share. Until then, have a happy Lent and Easter....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 2009

Well we're almost at the end of February month. It has been and is still a very busy month for me.

Much has happened in our lives this month - but to be brief and the most significant has been that - let's just say, we have sent another Angel - that we have named Adam - to be with Chad & Morgan.

Elsa & Charel arrive in Cape Town this Friday - and we're full swing into all the last minute prep for their wedding on the 28th Feb. I'm sure it will be an awesome day and everything will fall into place so that it is just perfect!

I was thinking - is there anyone out there that actually reads my posts / blog? If so, please leave me a comment... I'm interested to know because sometimes I take awhile between posts and feel quite guilty, but if it's only for my benefit then I may as well throw the guilt away:-)

Enjoy the rest of the month and will chat again in March...