Friday, October 31, 2008

And off to the Halloween party we go... 2008

On Friday, the 31st October 2008, we joined the Usual Suspects at a Halloween party hosted by The Meirings. Vannessa went to a lot of effort with the decor & snacks e.g. iced worms, vienna fingers, mummy viennas. Willem is quite the Sushi Chef we now know! ... Everyone dressed up except for Gathry who arrived late, and wasn't able to get a costume before the shops closed. In 5 minutes flat, he managed to be half dressed and arrived in a pair of skeletal stockings - say no more:-)

We also worked out that our last Halloween party was 5 years ago, so Vannessa has made it her mission to make this an annual event.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The courage to move on... 2008

Today I attended the 2nd last 'power of inspiration' breakfast for the year, the theme was "The courage to move on... " and focused on those who have lost and / going through a tough time.

There were many inspirational messages to take home. The 1st Speaker was a lady that gave birth to a still born little girl, which I could easily relate to and brought back memories of Chad & Morgan. She shared the following poem with us:

I Did Not Die
Mary E Faye

Do not stand at my grave and forever weep.
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn’s rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and forever cry.
I am not there. I did not die.
Other points to ponder... There is life after loss, you can decide whether you will let grief perish you or whether you will grow and blossom from it. At difficult times, you need to take one day at a time. You need to keep busy, maybe take up a new hobby. God gave you tears to cleanse your soul. Sometimes, you need a friend to help you, and although you don't feel like going to tea, just do it - it will help you heal.
There was a lot more in the talks... I'll try and remember more and post later as I'm being rushed as we're on our way to The Mullers for some inspirational rugby, wine and good old fashioned braai:-)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Walsh ramblings 2008

Well I haven't posted for awhile so there's lots to report...

Firstly, Mike is back from his 5 week stint in Nigeria so we're pretty much back to normal at home again for the next 5 weeks.

Secondly, it was our Twin's 1 year, 1 month anniversary yesterday so I paid them a visit at the memorial park on Sunday. I think now that we're on to their 2nd year, far fewer people will remember them - that's just life I guess! Mommy will always have a special place for you, Morgan & Chad!

Then, this weekend was fairly busy ... I started off going to the next Power of Inspiration breakfast. The theme was "Jewel of Life". We each received a stunning cut glass gem. I also won an Aromatherapy massage plus a whole lot more vouchers were given away. Lunch was at Bell Rosen and was once again super! The lesson I took home was that one is not put on this earth to survive, you're put here to thrive! ... and each of us are very special!

I then went for my Quantum Wellness treatment, and I seem to be reacting well to balancing all that was a problem before so soon it will be a better, healthier and well balanced & oiled machine you will see before your eyes:-)

We joined Vannessa & Gathry + the KKC ladies for a braai and a good social.

On Sunday, I had to wake up bright and breezy to join Russell for the 10km Gun Run. We made it in good time and I managed to run all the way, so I was quite impressed with myself.

Oh and to end off, here's something to think about:

"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"

Anyhow, enough rambling. Will chat soon again.