Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"100 Things to do before I die"

So I was chatting at work over lunch today, and we concluded that most people would struggle to come up with a list of "100 things to do before I die". I've started my list and I'm on 35 and really struggling to go beyond that.

Well here's the BIG mind blow - how do you know how much time you have to complete these objectives? I think the secret is to LIVE each day, and not to just EXIST as most do. If you live your life by this principle then it doesn't matter if you complete the 100 list before you die or not, at least you've LIVED to meet your objectives.

And here's another challenge - Compile your list (this is for your own benefit of course) BUT please send me your most outrageous or unusual objective? I'm still needing another 65 ideas so if you can help it would be most appreciated. Once I have my list of 100, I'll post them online... I'll have to check if any need to be censored of course. Would love to hear from you so I'm waiting in anticipation:-)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Jordan

Jordan turned 10 years old on Friday, 11th May 2007. Our little boy is growing up fast!

His party was held on the Saturday at Boot Camp in Tokai. He had 8 friends who joined him - Branston, Karl, Fabio, Keegan, Jordyne, Jordan V, Damian & Ancio. The pictures will tell the story....

By the way - if you would like any information on booking a Boot Camp party then please email General Eric Harrier at or visit the website