Monday, July 09, 2007

Congratulations - Eva Dounis

Congratulations to Martine & Chris on the arrival of their baby girl - Eva Anastasia Dounis. Eva was born on the 9th July, weighed 2.98kg and 52cm long.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Photography by Aleks

Aleks came to visit us at the office on the 5th July, it seems he takes his camera wherever he goes, so here's a shot of me indulging in some chocolate that he brought when he visited.
If you would like Aleks to assist you with any photography please feel free to contact him at You can also have a look at the link I've added to his pictures on the right hand bar.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Congratulations - Ethan Muller

Congrats to Linda, Shawn and Hayden as baby Ethan arrived on the 29th June 2007 at 00:15. He weighed 3.38kg and measured 49cm in length.

Linda arrived back home on Monday and she's been active on email already. Clearly, baby Ethan loves his sleep and giving mom lots of free time:-)