January 2009
Well here we are January 2009, and soon it will be the end of the 1st month of 2009. Mike & Jordan are back so we're almost 100% back to routine, we're done with all the 'back to school' shopping so now all that's left is to label everything and wait until the 21st Jan when schools reopen.
In the next month or 2, I'm also going to be busy helping my sister with the last of her wedding plans. Her wedding date is the 28th February which is just around the corner.
This month is the 1 year 4 month anniversary of our Twin Angels, so I'm off to the memorial park to chat to them and add some bright flowers at the park.
And then on another note - I've never posted about this, but since these 2 links were sent to me I thought I would add them here...
Ten things never to say to someone dealing with infertility:
What not to say to your infertile friend:
My opinion on the matter is - just like you should never ask / congratulate someone who you think looks pregnant (as they may just have put on an extra couple of kilo's) so should you never make any 'silly' comments about having children to a couple who have been married awhile. You don't know what their circumstances are and what you say may seem 'innocent' but cause them much unnecessary pain.
OK that's my bit for today. Have a wonderful week further. Will chat soon again.