October 2010 - December 2011
Well as I get ready to end the 2011 year, I thought I best spring clean my 'online' presence as well:-) ... only to discover that I haven't been onto Google Reader to read the Blogs I've subscribed to in over a year, and then to discover that it's been well in excess of a year since I last posted on our Walsh Blog too!
... so a couple of updates to summarise our 2011 year:
(1) January - Mike & I went to Mauritius and stayed at La Shandrani, this was an impromptu holiday and totally lucky for me as Mike was flying for work and I managed to get a ride along too. It was true bliss and well recommended!
(2) March - I resigned from work and a 20 year IT career to start my own business: Cura Soles, www.curasoles.com.
(3) May - Janine & I went to host our Cura Soles stall at the Durban Comrades Expo.
(4) September - Mike & I went on holiday in Sydney & New Zealand for the rugby world cup. We went to 3 games and stayed with some friends in NZ. We traveled over 2500km in a camper van through out North Island. Awesome holiday!
(5) October - Shark Cage diving with Mike & Jordan in Gansbaai to celebrate Mike's 40th Birthday.

(6) November (27) - Our nephew Sam was born.
(7) December (15 - 18) - our annual friends camping weekend away combined with our friends Christmas dinner, all at the Breede Escape in the Robertson area.
Happy New Year - may it be a year of wonderful miracles for all:-)