December 2008
And in a flash, here we are at the end of the year and Christmas is nearly upon us... the last 2 weeks have been rather hectic with everyone trying to get their year end functions done and dusted, schools closing off and soon it will be the new year...
Our work Year End function is a Pirate Party to be held at the Yacht Club at the Waterfront on Friday, 05/12... Jordan will be grading for his 1st Kyu Brown Belt on Saturday and then he is officially on school holidays.
We're having our annual Friends Christmas Dinner on Saturday, hosted by The Meirings this year. The Theme is Egyptian so we'll see how creative people are going to be:-)
St Lukes Hospice are having their Tree Lighting ceremony on Sunday - and this year I'm going to try and attend. It's really quite special. I've bought 2 lights in memory of Morgan & Chad, and I know they'll be shining brightly as they always are my little stars!
Clarissa & I are organising a Santa for Seniors Cake & Tea Party for the Seniors at Huiz Zonnekus on the 16th December at 10am. There are currently 25 men and 73 women residing there. We would like to encourage you, your friends and family to put together a shoe box / package of goodies that we can present to each of the Senior Citizens. You need not go to great expense as these people would appreciate the basics... We hope to collect 98 gifts so that we can deliver it to them at their cake & tea. If you're able to donate in any way, whether it's your time, baking or a gift or 2 for the Seniors, please let me know.
And just an update on the Santa for Seniors party...
"Our Santa for Seniors Christmas Tea morning was held at Huis Zonnekus on Tuesday 16th December 2008 at 10am. This was a huge success!
We needed 98 gifts and with your help we collected a total of 187 gifts. This meant we had ample for Santa to deliver to the Seniors and we were able to deliver to the Seniors at Reyger Court in Brooklyn as well.
Thank you to each and every one of you for your generous donations, help on the day &/ baking skills. We really value your contribution and the Seniors were most grateful.
It was all very worthwhile and we have decided to make this an annual event, so we’ll be in touch next year again.
Have a blessed Christmas and a very prosperous new year!
Best Wishes,
Clarissa & Lucy + Santa & All Santa’s Helpers"

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