November 2009
Has anyone heard of Ubuntu House? It's a home for abandoned and sick babies. Wow - what an experience. If you want to know more, please email me and I'll send you the details.
8th November - We went to the Jesse Clegg concert at the CTICC. Ard Mathews from Just Jinger and Dan Patlansky joined him on stage too. It was awesome. Well worth the evening out!
For those who noticed & asked about my low on the 16th September. Thank you for all your support and love. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride, some days I'm up and others down but I guess with time I'm hoping I'll have more ups than downs and in time I'll be left with a scar but it would have healed I'm sure. As the saying goes... What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger and this too will pass:-)
The last month, my mission was to get a Life and I think I'm slowly getting there as I've actually got up to quite a bit this past month. Let's see how much I can fit in next month:-)
For those that I have not seen in a long while, please feel free to pop in anytime for coffee and a chat...